

Do we require an environmental emergency response plan and where would I find information pertaining to the requirements for an environmental emergency plan?

Environmental Emergency Regulations (E2)

Where can I find information regarding other environment requirements?

Canadian Environmental Protection Act

If we install storage tanks for products, are there any containment requirements, and if so, what are they?

Environmental Code of Practice for Above ground and Underground Storage Tank Systems Containing Petroleum and Allied Petroleum Products (secondary tank containment requirements)

Can we use chemicals as additives to foods?

List of approved chemicals and additives for foods in Canada

Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) Reference Listing of Accepted Construction Materials

Packaging Materials and Non-Food Chemical Products

What are classified as Class A and Class B chemical precursors?

Class A and Class B Precursor Chemicals List

What are restricted components?

Restricted Components Regulations

Where can we obtain information pertaining to fire and building codes?

Fire and Construction Codes and Guides

How can I determine if certain chemicals can be obtained for use in Canada?

Canadian Chemicals Management Plan , Canadian Domestic Substances Lists

New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers).

Where can we obtain information regarding Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations?

Canadian Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations

Where can we find information regarding acts and regulations that pertain to our business?

Justice Laws Website


Canada Gazette part I and II
BC Gazette
Alberta Gazette
Saskatchewan Gazette
Manitoba Gazette
Ontario Gazette
Quebec Gazette
Yukon Gazette
NWT Territories Gazette
Nunavut Gazette

Where can we obtain CSA or CGSB standards?

CSA Standards

CGSB Standards

What is the RDC?

Responsible Distribution Canada (RDC)

What products does ClearTech have NSF certified?

ClearTech NSF Certified Products

Where can we obtain emergency response and spill mitigation assistance?

Quantum Murray Emergency Response and Mediation

Where can we obtain information regarding preparation of bills of lading for dangerous goods shipments?

Transport Canada - TDG Shipping Documents

Where can I learn more about the Global Harmonization System (GHS)?

Global Harmonization System (Revision 8)

GHS Pictograms

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

Where can our personnel obtain NFPA 472 Hazmat emergency response training?

Lakeland College Emergency Training Centre

Justice Institute of BC - Emergency Response Training

Where can I learn more about Chlorine?

Facts About Chlorine

Where can we obtain information on drinking water quality?

Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines

Additional Regulatory Links And Tools For Customers:

Technical Guidelines for the Environmental Emergency Regulations 2019

National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI)

Environmental Emergency Regulations (E2)

E2 registered facility search engine

Inter provincial Movement of Hazardous Waste Regulations

New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers)

Canadian Environmental Protection Act Domestic Substances List (DSL) Search Engine

Environmental Code of Practice for Above ground and Underground Storage Tank Systems Containing Petroleum and Allied Petroleum Products (secondary tank containment requirements)

Canadian Councils of Ministers of Environment (CCME) publications and guidelines

Sask H²O

Water weight converter

List of approved chemicals and additives for foods in Canada

Hazardous Products Act

Global Harmonization System (revision 1)

Health Canada – Pests and Pest Management

Applying for a Class A Precursor License

Application for a Class B Precursor Registration

Class A and Class B Precursor Chemicals List

Explosives Act

CSA Standards

CGSB Standards

Fire and Construction Codes and Guides

Weights and Measures Regulations


North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2017

City of Edmonton (bylaws)

City of Calgary

Alberta Environmental enhancement and protection act

Alberta OHS Act, Regulation, and Code

Alberta Fire Code Regulations

Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Regulation

Government of Alberta Web Site

Alberta Transportation of Dangerous Goods Web Site

Alberta Environment’s Drinking Water Program

City of Port Coquitlam

City of Vancouver

WorkSafe BC Table of exposure limits for chemical and biological substances

BC Fire Code Regulations

BC OHS Regulation & Related Materials

Government of British Columbia

B.C. TDG Regulations

B.C. Drinking Water Guidelines

Canadian Chemicals Management Plan

Canadian Domestic Substances Lists

New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers)

Canadian Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations

WHMIS Classifications Search

Justice Laws Website

Canada Gazette


Emergency Response Assistance Plans (ERAPs)

Environment Canada Environmental Code of Practice for Aboveground and Underground Storage Tank Systems Containing Petroleum and Allied Petroleum Products

Transportation of Dangerous Goods Resource Page

Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines

Canadian Product Label Requirements

Canadian WHMIS System

City of Winnipeg

Manitoba Fire and Building Codes

Government of Manitoba

Manitoba Occupational Health and Safety Regulation

Manitoba Dangerous Goods Handling and Transportation

Manitoba Drinking Water Regulatory Information and Regulations

NWT Dangerous Goods Transportation

NWT Drinking Water Standards

Nunavut Drinking Water Regulations

Nunavut Transportation of Dangerous Goods

City of Mississauga

Ontario Occupational Exposure Limits

Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Regulations

Government of Ontario

Ontario Dangerous Goods Transportation Act

Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards

City of Montreal

Quebec Regulation Respecting Occupational Health And Safety

Government of Quebec

Quebec Transportation of Dangerous Substances Regulation

City of Regina

Saskatchewan Fire Code Regulations

Saskatchewan Occupational Health and Safety Regulations

Government of Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulation


Food Chemical Codex (FCC)

Yukon Drinking Water Regulations

Responsible Distribution Canada (RDC)

Chemical Industry Association of Canada

Canadian Emergency Response Contractors Alliance (CERCA)

SAI Global

ClearTech NSF Certified Products

Advance Chemicals Ltd. NSF Certified Products

Quantum Murray Emergency Response and Mediation

Transport Canada - TDG Shipping Documents

GHS Pictograms

Lakeland College Emergency Training Centre

Justice Institute of BC - Emergency Response Training

Facts About Chlorine

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